- 经典四招教你避免说中国式英语 (10 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我刚丢了工作I just lost my job (2 篇回复)
- do you like the male friend better than the female friends you have? (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我坐飞机很紧张I am really nervouse flying (1 篇回复)
- 我眼中的英语学习 (7 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我们今晚去吃海鲜吧Let's have seafood tonight (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:他又有麻烦了He's got into trouble again (2 篇回复)
- 地道英语播报:Head Over Heels (从头到脚)完全地 (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:参观秦始皇兵马俑Visit terra-cotta warriors (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我的手提箱还没送到My suitcase hasn't been delivered yet (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我喜欢帮助社区之类的I like helping the community (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我很想当一名导游I want to be a tour guide (3 篇回复)
- 请教大侠们如何选择托福培训班啊? (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我们要打扫宿舍We're going to clean our dormitory (0 篇回复)
- 求助 新托福考试写作特训 (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:可以借夹克和领带吗Could I borrow a jacket and a tie (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:把那块垃圾捡起来Pick up that piece of garbage (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:去旧金山的飞机票Plane tickets to San Francisco (1 篇回复)
- 老外喜欢的高分口语 (8 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我想去美国度假I wanna go to America for my vacation (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:假期有什么计划吗Plans for the coming holiday (3 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我知道你喜欢说唱音乐I do know you like rap music (3 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我们去度假吧let’s take a vacation (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我要给你罚款单I’m going to have to give you a ticket (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:这件你花了多少钱How much did you pay for it (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:去旧金山的飞机票Plane tickets to San Francisco (2 篇回复)
- 元宵节英语祝福短信11条(中英双语) (1 篇回复)
- 特别的爱给特别的你:最新新年祝福短信 (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:乔迁之喜聚会A house warming party (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我完全赞成你的做法I totally agree with what you did (0 篇回复)
- 实用生活口语:各种水怎么说 (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:她可是令人厌恶的饶舌者She's a terrible gossip (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:这是我第一次出国旅行It would be my first trip overseas (1 篇回复)
- 英语口音纠正课程-笔记每日更新 (6 篇回复)
- 描述“气色”,不懂就out啦! (4 篇回复)
- 情景会话:下周四你有空吗Are you free next thursday (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:你做了多少预算How much do you have budgeted (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:你跳的真好You're dancing so well (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我得找个新住处I have to find a new place (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:工作永远是摆在第一位的Work always comes first (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:她真的很漂亮She is really pretty (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:这是我第一份工作This is my first job (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:你的诀窍是什么What are your tricks (4 篇回复)
- 情景会话:他介绍我去参加He recommended me to subscribe to it (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:欢迎来到我的新公寓Welcome to my new apartment (1 篇回复)
- bonus (4 篇回复)
- 教你如何用英语“委婉”提出“请求” (7 篇回复)
- 情景会话:那是个很美的运动It's a beautiful sport (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:关于付款方式What about the terms of payment (0 篇回复)
- 实用口语:有车族不离口的十句话 (4 篇回复)
- 情景会话:这可是最低价That\'ll definitely be rock bottom (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:讨论包装问题We can discuss the packaging (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我想了解诺曼底登陆 the Normandy Landing (0 篇回复)
- 情景会话:她的钱被骗啦Who got ripped off (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:Spring Festival is the most important festival (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:让我来帮忙 Let me help (0 篇回复)
- 当心别掉进英语文化的陷阱里!(二) (6 篇回复)
- 中式口语纠错 (2 篇回复)
- 老外常用的20句口语 (1 篇回复)
- Long journey of English study (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:我想买些冬装I am looking for some winter clothes (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:抱怨加班Complaining about overtime (2 篇回复)
- 实用英语:电话中经常听到的英语服务语 (7 篇回复)
- 情景会话:今天剪什么样的发型How would you like your hair today (3 篇回复)
- 情景会话:你应该每年检查一次You should have one every year (0 篇回复)
- “忙”的各种表达 (2 篇回复)
- 情景会话:相约看电影Invite Someone to See a Film (1 篇回复)
- 情景会话:整容Plastic surgery (1 篇回复)
- 实用口语:看美剧Gossip Girl学口语(1) (5 篇回复)
- 情景会话:核心家庭Nuclear family (3 篇回复)