为了更好的服务于爱好英语听力的朋友,在线英语听力室新开设-英语听力论坛,欢迎大家的光临。论坛刚刚开始,欢迎大家提出宝贵意见。 Thanks for offering us a place to learn english together and wish tingroom a bright future!
thank you
thank you thingroom give me the good place of learn english,i like it very vey much!! 偶然间搜到了这个网站于是就把她放进了收藏夹看到它一点一点的不断成长起来
在这里谢谢在线英语听力工作室的所有兄弟姐妹了 是啊,我不小心搜索到tingroom,就发现比其他网站好。
希望bbs能有个语音聊天室就更好了。让我这只菜鸟听听你们怎样用英语交流。 I like tingroom ,this web site is really helpful for englsih learner. I will introduce it to my friends who are learning and are preparing to do.
And if the managers are intend to improve this forum. I have a suggestion, i.e. put more foreign factors into this forum. such as the grades of members can be set in different english words, don't use chinese. and can add some words or sentences between different quatos. Thanks.
以上是我的发言,如有错误,请指正,本人不胜感激。 yeah,your english seems good.but there are still some mistakes in your sentences.For instance,the usage of the word "intend" and others. I am saying others are not real mistakes,which were made by you without care.you will realise them if you reread what you have written.
我想混个中级英语的斑竹当当 可以吗?呵呵 好啊,那可要好好表现表现了呀,让大家心服才行呀。:) 谢谢大家的支持,我们网站起步只有半年,希望在大家的支持下,我们可以做的更好。 i want to use english more and more in order to inprove my english level.thank you for the forum 刚看到这个网站,真的很好,现在成了我每天必上的网页。
wish tingroom is better and better! 支持! I like Tingroom 在沪江网上看到推荐tingroom
不象沪江网很乱,我想tingroom 会成为我的老师、朋友
希望网站以后的资源能提供下载 :)[size=5]用实际行动来实现我的承诺[/size] 支持!! 太好了大力支持 偶的英语不好就用母语 表达 一下感激之情
以后一定更加努力 现在看看开始时的场面,还是很激动的