每日听写 2007-6-9
[ra][/ra] 很好啊,多谢管理员给我们提供这么好的东东,谢谢诶了:victory: 听写答案
A: How's your cold, Tom?
B: I've recovered all right. It's gone.
A: That's good. By the way, did your wife return from the trip?
B: Yes, last Friday.
A: 汤姆,你的感冒怎样了?
B: 已经复元了。都好了。
A: 那好。顺便一提,你太太旅行回来了吗?
B: 是的,上星期五回来的。 太好了,每天都有吗?这已经是6月9日的了!在哪找新的呢? 多多感谢!力争每天都来学习!
How is your cold ,tomI've recovered all right , it's gone .
that's good , by the way ,Did your wife return from the trip?
Yes ,last Friday How's your cold, Tom?
I've recovered all right. It's gone.
That's good. By the way, did your wife return from the trip?
Yes, last Friday.
回复 #7 littlemouseddd 的帖子
:victory: 不错哦,不过这个是我们以前发的,只有最新的没有出答案的才可以加分哦。 这个到哪里去找啊?活动结束了没 上面的都比我厉害~我再听一遍看。回复 #9 zhaocuicui 的帖子
怎么没有最新的呀?请问最新的听力要去哪找?很好啊 不要半途而废了啊
大家一起努力啊 都找写听力的东东来 一起学习一起进步 一直都有最新的呀,就在本版块.wo
How is your cold Tom?I've recovered all already.It is gone.
That is good. By the way, did your wife return from the trip?
Yes, last Friday. 支持
How is your cold ,tomI've recovered all right , it's gone .
that's good , by the way ,Did your wife return from the trip?
Yes ,last Friday **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** 厉害!! 不看答案还真是挺难!! 我怎么没有看到新的呀? 有阿 都在听力提高这个栏目里面阿 高手啊,我都听不懂几个,太强了,努力 z这么牛啊? 好方法啊,大家都比我厉害!加油!!! 我也试试! 还可以,毕业几年没有听过了,还听的懂一些,呵呵 How's your cold, Tom?
I've recovered all right. It's gone.
That's good. By the way, did your wife return from the trip?
Yes, last Friday.:lol :lol 最新的怎么还是找不到啊!管理员能说清楚点吗?:L 终于还是让我找到了,能听的出来的还真是不容易啊!大家一起加油.......
Say thanks to Yoyo.
Very good material for English learning. It' s truly to say thanks to Yoyo. 呵呵,这个不错,以后要多听听了 5555555555555555 我只听懂了一半,还得不断努力啊:$回复 1# 的帖子
我的电脑有点卡 这里的学习环境很好,我喜欢.辛苦了,楼主! 这个活动是一直坚持在办吗?我为什么在线听不了呢?
是一个华丽的红叉叉:'( 是不是没有安装realplayer播放器 where is the latest?页: