求助 求助 我该怎么样学好英语??
:qq86] 由于以前的偏科导致我现在对英语一窍不通,直到踏入社会我才懂得它的用处之大 之广!!是这样的我现在在自学英语 刚刚学会了读英标,但还不能完全背下来
我现在很迷茫不知道怎么样进行下一步的学习。。麻烦各位老师指导 指导 学生感激不尽!! 找到身边最早的课本,最好小学的,熟读、记单词,课文,建立信心。从身边简单的单词、句子开始。
英语三关:音标、单词、语法。 音标熟练使用后,对记单词作用大,先看辅音28个简单些初学——28个辅音音素——这样记得快![url]http://bbs.tingroom.com/thread-96994-1-1.html[/url]
然后攻下元音,也可以结合学习新单词、句子时运用。 朋友我个人给你推荐一家很不错的英语培训中心叫 才子英语 ,我曾经在这里学习过一段时间,感觉还不错,有兴趣的话可以报下他们的体验课试试。你算是找对人了。他们的价格很优惠的。每天晚上8点有免费试听课程了。 First to learn English well, you must know your grammar, only when you know how to use grammar, you can improve your English quickly. You can also listen to English tapes or watch Tv programs to improve your listening and also speaking.
Second, remember not to be shy when you speak to other people, they will not make fun of you, take a deep breath and smile when you're speaking to foreigners.
Finally, prepare a English notebook to write down all of the English words that you often make mistakes on. Day by day, i'm sure your English can improve alot! [i=s] 本帖最后由 Darjeelinger 于 2010-10-28 16:24 编辑 [/i]
[color=#000000]希望能够帮到你!:loveliness: [/color] Firstly, to learn as much as vocabulary and keep them in your mind
Secondly, more reading, to practise your english pronunciation
Thirdly, to watch American Movies to practise your listening 怎麽學習呀的,我什麽都不會 [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=247918&ptid=108603]8#[/url] [i]想學習[/i] [/b]
请到【基础英语】版块看看. you can't judge from this .Both of them are precious .we must find a way to balance them .When you are with your friends,you can't say love is more important than friendship.The same goes with your wife.We can't leave either of them.:qq86] 我觉得对用汉语提问的朋友最好还用汉语回答更好些。 我也是啊:qq76] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=248119&ptid=108603]12#[/url] [i]shenjunqun[/i] [/b]
:handshake 我也想知道 [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=248134&ptid=108603]13#[/url] [i]一刻千金[/i] [/b]
:qq79] 我也比较迷茫,正在探索中。 I also want to know just enjoy it 可以多和别人交流。多注意单词的背诵。
这可是一个挺好的测试自己英语水平的机会喔。 多听 多学 多记 多问