英语听力论坛's Archiver

xiahme 发表于 2010-10-15 17:10

2010-10-15 听歌学英语--riverside

[i=s] 本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:23 编辑 [/i]

:qq87] [size=6][color=red]listen to the music and then write down your feelings to gain the score.[/color][/size]
[p=30, 2, center][img=600,462]http://t.douban.com/lpic/e250750.jpg[/img][/p]
[size=3][color=darkred][b] [/b][/color][/size]
[size=3][color=darkred][b]Agnes Obel,来自丹麦的美人鱼。为什么会这么称呼她?因为在今年上海世博会丹麦馆的“美人鱼”主题活动中,Agnes Obel作为表演嘉宾之一,带给了我们喷然心动的优雅声音。 [/b][/color][/size][size=3][color=darkred][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=darkred][b]  不仅如此,Agnes Obel从小就接受了钢琴训练,并且结识了家乡哥本哈根许多当地的乐队以及音乐制作人,对于音乐的态度,自信的Agnes Obel总是会选择独自承担并且去享受音乐过程,编曲,填词,包括后期的混音制作都是一个人去完成,当钢琴声从她轻柔的指尖流动出来的时候,我就知道自己对她的喜爱,悲悯的气氛从Agnes Obel的声音中缓缓流露出来,很安静,很凄美。试想看着她独自一人坐在钢琴前的演绎,或许思绪也会跟着慢慢被吸引,静静的聆听这种感性的音乐。此外,Agnes Obel的新专辑“Philarmonics”即将在10月份全球发行,静静的期待。 [/b][/color][/size][size=3][color=darkred][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=darkred][b]  她曾表示:“非常欣赏那些能创造出属于自己音乐和旋律世界的音乐家和艺术家;能创造出流传性广的和永恒音乐的音乐家和艺术家;能创造简单和优雅旋律的音乐家和艺术家……”[/b][/color][/size]


Riverside---Agnes Obel

  Down by the river by the boats

  Where everybody goes to be alone

  Where you wont see any rising sun

  Down to the river we will run

  When by the water we drink to the dregs

  Look at the stones on the river bed

  I can tell from your eyes

  You've never been by the riverside

  Down by the water the riverbed

  Somebody calls you somebody says

  swim with the current and float away

  Down by the river everyday

  Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep

  And I don't know why I go the way

  Down by the riverside

  When that old river runs pass your eyes

  To wash off the dirt on the riverside

  Go to the water so very near

  The river will be your eyes and ears

  I walk to the borders on my own

  To fall in the water just like a stone

  Chilled to the marrow in them bones

  Why do I go here all alone

  Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep

  And I don't know why I go the way

  Down by the riverside

小豹子_acong 发表于 2010-10-15 19:29

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kobe 发表于 2010-10-15 21:06

river、 boat、 sunset、 sunrise ~!
what beautiful the lyric is!

xyj 发表于 2010-10-27 15:35

it is so soft,when i listen the song in the afternoon ,i really feel very good!

canxingliu 发表于 2010-11-4 22:48

beautiful sounds and feel soft

xiaomeixin 发表于 2010-11-25 16:45

I almost fall asleep just now.But I feel nice now.:qq88]

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