面试时,面试官会问及很多方面的内容,包括家庭情况,如家人对你的影响等,这些都应事先有所准备。当面试结束,尤其是英语面试结束的时候,礼貌的道别是很必要的,它会给面试官留下深刻的印象,那么该如何做礼貌的道别呢?[color=#0000ff]I (Interviewer 面试者) A (Applicant 申请者) [/color][list=1][*]I:Any questions?
A:When will I know your decision?
[*]I:How can we get in touch with you?
[*]I:We will notify you of our decision by mail, is this convenient for you?
[*]I:Thank you for your interest in our company.
A:Thank you, Mr.Smith. Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)
[*]I:You will be hearing from us very soon. Please send the next applicantin on your way out.
A:OK.Thank you very much.