[p=30, 2, center][size=4][color=navy][/color][/size] [/p][p=30, 2, center][size=4][color=navy][b]TingRoom评论社[/b][/color][/size][/p][p=30, 2, center][size=4][color=navy][b]本期话题:好朋友之间还需不需要送生日礼物?[/b][/color][/size][/p]
[color=green] 生日是个快乐日子,如果这天又是好朋友的生日的话,就更有趣了,因为这样的话朋友之间就能相聚了,而且还是个搞恶作剧的好机会,或者报复的好机会呢!紧接着,你可得绞尽脑汁为你朋友的生日礼物作准备啦。
[color=green] Birthday is a happy day,and if it is a best friends' birthday,then it will be more interesting,for there will be another gathering for friends,and this day is a big chance to play a trick on him,or pay a trick back!Then,you will be scratching your head to think of the best present for him long before his birthday.[/color]
[color=green] 亲爱的朋友,如果是你最好的朋友的话,你认为又有没有必要彼此赠送生日礼物呢,而是大家聚在一起开心就好了呢?是否因为好朋友之间不需要客套的社交饭局呢?我们是不是又应该先考虑朋友的经济状况,然后再决定要不要礼物呢?
[color=green] My dear friends,do you think that if he is your best friend,then there is no need to prepare a present for each other,just a party or gathering is ok,for he and yourself won't mind it?Or because there's no "social dinner" between friends?Shall we consider our friends' finacial situation first,and after that,we decide whether ask fpr a present ?[/color]
[color=green][/color] i guess that's OK to send him/her a gift , or just gathering together
what makes you happy , what is good to you all i guess that's OK to send him/her a gift , or just gathering together
what makes you happy , what is good to you all Certainly need the gift. It's will bring more happiness to your friends.