[p=30, 2, center][size=4][color=navy][b]TingRoom评论社[/b][/color][/size][/p][p=30, 2, center][size=4][color=navy][b]本期话题:离婚保险,敢不敢买[/b][/color][/size][/p]
[color=green] 据《时代杂志》9月19日报道,婚姻离婚保险“婚姻保护锁”是一种给婚姻不幸福的投保人离婚后赔偿的新型意外保险。[/color]
[color=green] According to the Time of September 19, WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched。In this way ,people try to hedge their marital bets.[/color]
[color=green] 有些已婚人士为自己和自己的另一半购买了婚姻离婚保险,也有些父母瞒着子女为他们购买了离婚保险。离婚保险则意味着在结婚时已经把离婚当成一种选择,这会带来婚姻危险的暗示。人们试图以这种办法在离婚后守住自己婚姻财产。
[color=green] Some marriaged people buy divorce insurance for themselves and their “other half”, and even some parents could buy this for their son or daughter with them unknowing about it.Could divorce insurance implies from the beginning that divorce is already an option?[/color]
[color=green] [/color]
[color=green] 亲爱的朋友们,你认为有必要买婚姻离婚保险吗?夫妻关系又会不会因此险而显尴尬?或者你是否赞成防止一段痛苦并且带来经济损失的离婚最保险的办法是找到保持婚姻幸福的方法,这一观点呢?
[color=green] My dear friends,do you think it is necessary to buy divorce insurance in a marriage?If a couple buy it,would it sound embarrassing between two lovers?Or do you agree that the best insurance against a painful, financially devastating
divorce is to find a way to be happy in your marriage?[/color]
[/color] i guess this maybe the right way between ourselves in this society as to its name"insurance" :qq77]I think it is unnecessary to buy divorce insurance in a marriage.Just my opinion. :qq82]I think deeps on the actual situation.But in my marriage I don't need.Trust is the base of marriage. To be honest ,this practic reflect our marriage which was built on a unreliable basis.In my opinion,this marriage is doomed to fail.No need to spend our precious time in this marriage which can not last long.