:) [b][u]观察了一下论坛里面观看帖子的状况,发现大多数中文标题的帖子被观看比较多。。[/u][/b][b][u]我想说,大家还是有点耐心去看看英文标题的帖子,因为来这里都有对英语好奇或者想提高。。[/u][/b]
[b][u]还是耐心点多支持下英文帖,不然这里就不是英文论坛了。。。THKS。。。[/u][/b] yes you are right. [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=257311&ptid=118187]1#[/url] [i]yujason[/i] [/b]
you can say that again!:qq88] you got the point thank you for your reminding Yes,I back you.All of us come here want to practise English well . i read english post more.
and if i read the chinese ones,i always answer them in english.
by the way ,this post is a chinese one...
ah...i'll talk with you here more in english.but i believe chinese is sometimes required.:) i agree with you, i think that we should be much harder. begin it from us ourselves~页: