[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,2%] [/td][td=1,1,98%][img=150,150]http://www.enread.com/upimg/allimg/20070702/1450470.jpg[/img] 黄道十二宫是根据地球南北极连接而成的线为轴心,每二十四小时自转一周而来的。十二宫代表的是所经验的地区、活动领域及演出的场景,每一宫都象征著人生的不同领域,也就是各行星能量散发的“地点”。十二宫还与十二星座息息相关,而十二宫的次序也与人生的进化历程密切配合。The Fourth House is ruled by the Sign [color=#0000ff]Cancer[/color] and the Moon.The Fourth House is commonly referred to as the House of Home. The Fourth House brings things full circle by also addressing old age, endings and our final resting place.
Much of the emphasis of the Fourth House, however, is on the concept of home. By laying down roots, we make a home for ourselves, or more specifically, the self. It's worth noting that in addition to the external home (all the bricks and mortar around us), we have really brought the essential self home. 'I'm home.' The words themselves have a peaceful ring to them. The self is now centered, grounded, one and at peace with the Earth. We seek to come home both physically and psychically, for ourselves and for those we love. By creating home, we create a meeting place, a sanctuary, a sacred place for ourselves and for others.
Looking at things from a strictly tangible point of view, we can see that the Fourth House also encompasses physical structures (houses) and real estate. The Fourth House represents family, history and traditions. All of these contribute to the process of becoming a true, actualized and individualized self. This is how we come home.
黄道十二宫中的第四宫由巨蟹座掌管,守护星是月亮。一般将这一宫称为“家宅”宫。它[font=Verdana]代表着一个人的内心情感和家庭关系,[/font][font=Verdana]影响你如何管理已取得的资源,尤其是你如何规划家计及度过晚年。[font=Verdana]同时也反映出幼儿时期所养成的习惯,一个人的家庭状况、潜意识、晚年生活及与财富、遗产的关联。第四宫影响的范围小至家庭,大至家族、国家和民族。建立一个能从物质和精神上都得到满足的家庭,是巨蟹座终生追寻的目标。此外,巨蟹座也很看重房屋的整体结构和房产权。所有这些都从另一个侧面反映了巨蟹座渴望打造一个真实, 独立的自我。[/font][/font]
[/td][/tr][/table] 这是什么呀? 没看太明白 :) :'( :P