寒潮:Cold Snap例句:Cold snap brings snow---Beijing's first snowfall this winter, which began on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday afternoon, surprised locals.
平均气温:average temperature
摄氏度(℃):degree Centigrade
华氏度 (℉): degree Fahrenheit ,PS:华氏与摄氏的换算F=9/5C+32
例句:It's twenty-five degrees Centigrade(25℃) or it's seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit(78℉).
降雨量: precipitation这个词较为复杂,在口语中用rainfall就可以了。
例句:Annual precipitation in Beijing is around 580 mm (22.8 in), and the majority of it falls in the summer months.
四季如春:like spring all the year round
例句:I've heard the weather in Kunming is ideal, just like spring most of the year.
四季分明:(have/ enjoy/boast/ with)four distinctive seasons
例句:Enjoying a wild climate and four distinctive seasons, the environment of Luohe city is peaceful and elegant.
气候适宜:(have/ enjoy/boast/ with)agreeable/ideal /pleasant/ moderate weather
梅雨季节:plum rain season,外国人可能对中国的“梅雨”很难理解,可以简而言之,就是 rainy season。
例句:Like other cities in Jiangsu Province, Suzhou also has a very long rainy period, called the plum rain season, so an umbrella is advisable to be equipped during the season.
台风季节:typhoon season
例句:Typhoon season in Hong Kong is possible in September. All shops and banks are closed when typhoon signal is raised.
香港的台风季节是九月份左右,当台风预警信号达8号以上时,商店和银行都暂停营业。PS:香港台风预警信号,与**不同,1号为最弱, 10号最强。
“四大火炉”:长江流域的重庆、武汉、南京、长沙四大夏季气候炎热的大城市被传称为“四大火炉”。 four major 'stove' cities in China
日照时间长:Sunshine duration is long
昼夜温差大:large temperature differences/ extreme temperatures day and night
中暑:get sunstroke
例句:It is not recommended to travel to Shigatse from November to April, because of the large temperature difference day and night. Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening.
高原反应/ 急性高山病:altitude stress / acute mountain sickness
例句:And my head aches from the altitude...
Passengers who have severe altitude illness should ask for an emergency oxygeny pack.
沙尘暴:duststorm/ sandstorm 谢谢分享哦~有些以前还真是不知道呢!:qq72] cold.chill. Cold Snap is coming!
thx for sharing!:qq50]