2011-01-03 听力练习:College Textbooks
[table=98%,lightblue][tr][td][p=30, 2, center]:hug:[b]Listen to the mp3 carefully and finish the quiz to gain scores.[/b]:hug:
[b]Of course, you can write down what you heard.[/b]
[tr][td][b]材料名称:[/b]College Textbooks[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]材料背景:[/b]What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying new or used books for school? Do you pay for your own books or do your parents pay for them? Do you pay cash or do you buy them using a credit card? [/td][/tr]
1. The man is selling his science book, Today's World for ___________.
A. $13
B. $30
C. $33
2. Why is the woman surprised by the price of the science book?
A. She thinks that the book is in pretty bad condition.
B. She feels that she can find the book cheaper on the Internet.
C. She says that the textbook is an old copy.
3. Which book does the woman NOT buy?
A. an English writing textbook
B. a math textbook
C. a novel
4. The man's textbook on marriage is called, Finding the Perfect _____________.
A. Friend
B. Partner
C. Someone
5. Why does the man want to study cooking?
A. He wants to learn to cook because he lives on his own.
B. He wants to major in hotel management in the future.
C. He has a friend who's taking the same class.
**** Hidden Message *****
[/table] bbbcc what's means for "a beat-up book"? aaaaa babcc beat-up (adjective): in bad condition bbbcc BAACC b a b c c [quote]what's means for "a beat-up book"?
[size=2][color=#999999]扣儿 发表于 2011-1-3 16:28[/color] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=277498&ptid=127186][img]http://bbs.tingroom.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
a beat-up book 一本旧书 :) babbc BBBCC b
c BABCC babcc bbbcc babcc BAACC BBCCC BAABC BABCC B A B C C [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=277314&ptid=127186]1#[/url] [i]星期一[/i] [/b]
啊 ok b,b ,ab,b,c BA