英语听力论坛's Archiver

leenyao 发表于 2011-2-4 21:52

How to Bring Your Future Closer to You 如何让自己更接近梦想

Your future and your goals sometimes feel very far away.
To be able to keep you motivation at a high level all the time you need to be able to see every (foreseeable) step on the way.
Your motivation stands in direct relation to how clear your goals are and it is your motivation that will make or break your future.
[b]Create your master plan 制定一个总体规划[/b]
If you are to succeed you need to keep your motivation high, you need to know that you are going to complete your goals.
Every time you feel like you are loosing your way and/or your motivation, just look at the map you have made and it will come rushing back.
Here are the four steps to creating your master plan:
[b]1. Visualize your goals 设想一下具体的目标[/b]
Start by "painting" a picture of when you have completed your goals. How will you act? What will you do? What will be different?
Make that picture as clear as possible (this will help your motivation when things get tough).
[b]2. What needs to happen for you to complete your goals 设想一下会遇到的困难[/b]
List everything that needs to happen for you to have completed your goals.
What do you need to have done? How much money do you need to have made? Who do you need to know? Anything that will needs to have happened in order for you to complete your goals.
[b]3. Go back 90 days and do the same thing again. 后退90天,重复前两步[/b]
What has to have happened 90 days before you complete your goals?
[b]4. Redo this until you reach the present date. 重复第三步[/b][align=left][align=left]Now you will have a complete plan, guide, for you to follow. Every step that has to happen for you to get from where you are today to your goals.[/align][/align]

[b]Your plans are not written in stone 根据情况调整你的计划[/b]
Since you can not be completely right the first time you do this, do not be afraid to remake your plans as new realities develop.
Use your plan to evaluate opportunities, dangers, actions and tasks. If you see that something isn't helping you read your goals, don't waste your time.
[b]Making the plan will let you gauge your progress 计划能帮你指明进度[/b]
By having you will be able to see how far you have gotten, what needs to be done next and if you are ahead of or behind schedule.
If you don't have a plan you will never be sure how you are sizing up.
[b]It lets you be proactive and make the best of opportunities 计划使你积极主动,充分利用机会[/b]
Since you know exactly what needs to be accomplished and in what time it has to be done, you will be able to react to every opportunity and evaluate it objectively.
Will it help you move towards your goals? Is it worth the time? Is there something else that will give you a better return on invested time and effort?
[b]It is the key of all successful businesses and people 计划是取得成功的要诀[/b]
All successful business (and successful people) have started with a complete plan of action.[img=300,266]http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/book/attachement/jpg/site1/20110113/0023ae731d750e98d14343.jpg[/img]
They have known exactly where they are going and what they need to do.
Even if they end up doing something completely different then they planned, the act of planning let them act on opportunities, react to changes in the marketplace and get the most out of their opportunities.
On the other hand, people who didn't spend time planning their goals missed opportunities, went after the wrong ones and ended up running in circles. Almost all failed startups failed because they didn't have a clear plan of action. Don't let this be you and don't let this be your life.
[b]Conclusion 结论[/b]
Spending time on planning will save you lots of time on execution.
Start by visualizing your goal and then planning backword 90 days at a time until you get to the present.
That way you will have a complete plan to follow. Exactly what needs to be done on a week by week basis so that you can move towards your goals.

kobe 发表于 2011-2-4 23:28

I will do that!:qq49]

皮皮鲁 发表于 2011-2-4 23:42

JUST DO IT !:qq71]

saria 发表于 2011-2-5 10:34

Always  bear  in  mind  that  your  own  resolusion  to  success  is  more  important  than  any  one  thing

石头静儿 发表于 2011-2-11 19:01

Thanks for sharing.I will learn them carefully

石头静儿 发表于 2011-2-11 19:03

[b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=293525&ptid=136060]4#[/url] [i]saria[/i] [/b]

    I am agree with you

shdvb 发表于 2011-2-19 16:05

thanks for your sharing,i will learn them carefully

yujason 发表于 2011-2-20 20:23

thk for your sharing ~~~:qq70]

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