Be oneself
How to be oneself?I is hard to reply it for me.The soul is same important as the material.What attitude we should keep when we work hard to achieve the share from the material? [font=楷体_GB2312][size=5][color=navy]The power of belief is that even in adversity, can also help you summon the forward sail; belief in the charm of this hazard, even in the face, can also call you muster the courage to live; belief is that even the great misfortune, also encourage you to keep a high spirit.[/color][/size][/font] [b]SOMEONE SALES SOUL,AND SOMEONE SALES SOMA,IF THE PURPOSE IS FOR LIVING, CAN YOU SAY WHICH IS DISTINGUE ? HOW TO BE ONESELF ? IF IT IS WORTH FOR YOU ,WHATEVER YOU DO IS ONESELF[/b] Just do what you want to do is OK.