英语听力论坛's Archiver

当时的月亮 发表于 2011-2-27 22:20

2011年2月27日口语提高:Where to ...

Read below sentences careful and than translate the phrases which are marked in red to gain the score

Where to?
这个句子是"Where do you want to go?"和"Where are you going?"的简略形式,常用于口语。

[b][color=red]1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。

**** Hidden Message *****

A: Is this taxi taken?
B: No, sir. Where to?
A: Please take me to this address.
B: OK. Please step in. I know where it is.

victoryzxl 发表于 2011-2-28 11:10


waihaiss 发表于 2011-2-28 13:08

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?hi ,where to ? do you want a lift
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 where to ? may be we are in the same way
3.你怎么这么着急?去哪儿? why are  you in such a  hurry?.where to ?

eedhatt 发表于 2011-2-28 19:57

1.Hi,where are you going? Do you want to take a ride?
2.Where do you want to go? Maybe we have the same way.
3.Why are you in such a hurry? Where do you want to go?

najinlei 发表于 2011-2-28 20:05

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?hi ,where to ? Would you like to get a ride
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 where to ? maybe we go the same way
3.你怎么这么着急?去哪儿? why are  you in such a  hurry?.where to ?

xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-2-28 22:06

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?
Hi,where to ?Are you want to take a taxi?
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。
Where to?Maybe we are the same road.
Why you are so hurried?Where to?

mapleleaf 发表于 2011-3-1 08:53

1. Hi, where to? Do you want a lift?
2. Where to? Maybe we're in the same way.
3. Why are you in such a hurry? Where to?

Aaron.Wang 发表于 2011-3-1 11:39

1.Hi,whereto?Do you want a lift?
2.Where to?Maybe we have the same way?
3.why are you in such a hurry? Where to?

蓝色床单 发表于 2011-3-1 19:52

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?hi ,where to ? Would you like to get a ride
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 where to ? maybe we go the same way
3.你怎么这么着急?去哪儿? why are  you in such a  hurry?.where to ?

jiang0720 发表于 2011-3-2 10:34

1.Hi,whereto?Do you want a lift?
2.where to ? may be we are in the same way.
3. Why are you in such a hurry? Where to?

ringageok 发表于 2011-3-6 22:43

hi,where to you,do you wanna get a bike?
where to you,maybe we are the same way
why do you so *,where to you?

lovelycat 发表于 2011-3-13 10:24

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?
hi, where to go ? want a lift?
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。
Where to ? Maybe we go to the same place.
Why are you so anxious ? where to ?

lhxhaxx 发表于 2011-3-15 10:48

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?hi ,where to ? do you want a lift
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 where to ? may be we are in the same way
3.你怎么这么着急?去哪儿? why are  you in such a  hurry?.where to ?

hou516 发表于 2011-3-16 16:38

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?
hi,where to?Do you want to get a ride
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。
wherer to? maybe we will go the same way
why are you so hurry? where to?

Andy-Lee 发表于 2011-3-17 13:18

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗?
HI,where to?do you want to take?
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。
where to?maybe we are on the same way.
why do you so hurry?where to?

float 发表于 2011-3-17 14:54

1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗? Hi,Where go,Do you want a lift?
2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 Where are you go?Maybe we are the same way
3.你怎么这么着急?去哪儿?Why do you so hurry?where go?

hyc_yy 发表于 2011-3-17 22:25

[b][color=#ff0000]1. 嗨,你去哪儿?想搭车吗? [/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff0000]hi, where to go? want a lift?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff0000]2. 你去哪儿?或许我们同路。 [/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff0000]where to go? maybe we are in the same way
Why do you so worry? where to go?

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