尊老爱幼是中国的优良传统,在公交车上给老人和孕妇让座是一个人素质的体现。可是,当你在公交车上看见一个女生时,作为一个男生你会让座吗?或者作为一个女生,你觉得男生应不应该给女生让座?The respect for elders and care for the young is China's fine tradition.Offering one's seat to somebody on the bus for old person and the pregnant woman is a person quality manifestation. But, when you see a female student on the bus, will you offer your seat to her? Or as a female student, what would think when a boy offers his seat to a gilr? I do not think I will do that~
In 21th century,everyone says be equality of men and women.
you know,If everyone do that, man will always standing in the bus,in another word,women will in the seat all the time:qq82]
I think is not fair:qq79] 没有那个必要吧,但是那样做会显得男生绅士些哦~ It's up to you! If you want, you can offer your seat. As a girl, I quite approve of the boys offering seats to girls. :lol But, in our real life, it is not very common. So that I have to applause for the boys of our college, because they are willing to offer seats to our girls who carry the heavy bags with them. I rarely see people offering their seats to those that are not elderly, disables, pregnant, or young children. As for young girls, well, when they are not getting period, they should be fine standing on a bus, I think.
:qq77] if a child i will do that, but if a young girl ..... I think it is not need to do that. Even though male were stronger than female,but a young girl is strong enough to stand in the bus for a period of time Of cource I will do that, in fact I think everyone should do that. I don't think that there are any embarrassments in the case. If we all take actions, it will become a involuntary thing. 好东东,谢谢楼主 I come and onlookers