我觉得挺好的,大家的看法呢 [u][color=#ff0000][size=24px]我叫王雪29岁;163米;美丽大方;嫁香港富商.夫因车祸不育.为继承家业.不得已而为之.经协商.借探亲之际,特寻异地健康品正善良体贴男士共孕,60岁以下,贫富地区不限,通话满意速汇定金30万.有孕重酬150万.从此了断不影响家庭.保密;[本人亲谈.非珹勿扰]]请大胆来电[color=#ff0000]18367423738[/color].真情求你的帮助150万求子[/size][/color][/u] Welcome to this community your english is so good [color=#2b2b2b][font=arial, sans-serif][size=18px][b]Is well written, want to learn a lot from you[/b][/size][/font][/color] you have made a pretty good introduction, i do have leart something from this short essay, this is lena..wish everything goes well with you lovely girl. I am new to the community too. Nice to meet you. hi! welcome Your English is so good.I should learn from you.