中文是组词够成一个意思,所以这就是中文学法,但英文并没有字,直接就是词,就应该组句了,我们老是在中文方面记词就成,然而,单词却有好几个意思,所以学英语应该背句子,句子会了,单词结合语境也能知道是什么意思.我认为每天应着重背10来句不同类型的句! maybe it is good to study 没有对与错,你可以去尝试! language is not a subject like math or others. so there are lots of methods to learn english,and may be u can have more than one way to improve your english.
maybe it is good to study It depends on youself. You can check it's useful or not by yourself.页: