1、How many credits are needed for the degree?要修满多少学分才能拿到学位?2、I have(was awarded) the bachelor's degree.我获得了学士学位;
3、I have the Master's degree in Physics.我拥有物理学硕士学位。
[size=5]请自觉的补充。。。。谢啦[/size] Sometimes I think ability is more important than degree:qq82] Maybe,but sometimes degree is a key to find a good job:qq68] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=348159&ptid=164507]3#[/url] [i]eileengao[/i] [/b]
it is a sign of our skill,ability. It's the key to open the door.