4月8日故事:The Man and His Wife丈夫与怪癖的妻子
:qq66][size=4][color=#ff0000]please read the story carefully,and tell me what are you thinking about when you read the whole story~Don't be shy,just make your imagination fly in your sky![/color][/size]A man had a Wife who made herself hated by all the members of his household. Wishing to find out if she had the same effect on the persons in her father's house, he made some excuse to send her home on a visit to her father. After a short time she returned, and when he inquired how she had got on and how the servants had treated her, she replied, "The herdsmen and shepherds cast on me looks of aversion." He said, "O Wife, if you were disliked by those who go out early in the morning with their flocks and return late in the evening, what must have been felt towards you by those with whom you passed the whole day!"
Straws show how the wind blows.**** Hidden Message ***** 支持下~~~~~ 蛮好啊,学习更健康 a fable good story Certainly if you hate someone around you, he/she dislike you either Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.
那妻子的好好反省自己的行为 nice fable The sentence the man said how should translate :qq78]So sadly,I can not catch the meaning. wqwqwe Not quite understand!