Small details
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Small details
The small challenges give you the opportunity to build
strength. The big challenges give you the opportunity to
make valuable use of that strength.<P>
Small, simple efforts, repeated over and over again, give
you the ability to undertake the bigger, more complicated
efforts. Making the most of every moment puts you in a
position to achieve the very best with each day.<P>
By paying attention to the details, you will discover and
develop ways in which to positively and successfully
influence the big picture. By making sure that the mundane
and tedious tasks are taken care of, you open the door to
exciting, impressive and spectacular results.<P>
Big achievements are always composed of many, many smaller
achievements. That is what makes real, substantial success
available to anyone.<P>
For anyone can begin the process by taking a modest positive
step forward. Take enough of those steps, and you can go
anywhere you desire to go.<P>
In every moment, in every situation, there is some small
detail you can attend to, some small challenge that you can
embrace. Make a habit of always giving whatever you can, and
you'll reach the point where you can achieve whatever you