Seeds of thought
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Seeds of thought
Thoughts of anger attract more anger. Thoughts of goodness
attract more goodness.<P>
Thoughts of accomplishment enable you to see that
accomplishment in every detail. And whatever you can see,
you can find a way to be.<P>
Thoughts of peace truly make you more peaceful. And that can
lead those around you to carry peaceful thoughts as well.<P>
Thoughts begin on the inside and quickly flow outward. The
thoughts you hold in this moment will soon spread far beyond
The thoughts you send forth will eventually find their way
back to you, yet by that time they will be much more than
just thoughts. Those thoughts will return as circumstances,
objects, challenges, opportunities and achievements.<P>
Your thoughts attract more of whatever you think, because
life has a dependable way of multiplying and manifesting
them. So choose to always hold the most positive, enriching
thoughts, and from those seeds a beautiful garden will