What does it take?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
What does it take?
When you're feeling down and would like to feel better, what
does it take? It takes nothing more than your choice.<P>
When there is something you know you must do and yet you
can't bring yourself to do it, what does it take to get you
moving? It takes nothing more than your decision to make it
When your world is dull and gray, and happiness seems like
an unreachable, distant dream, what does it take to make you
happy? It takes nothing more than understanding that the
happiness you experience comes not to you, but from you.<P>
What does it take to live the life of your dreams? It takes
nothing more than your moment-by-moment commitment to do
What does it take to bring achievement and fulfillment into
your life? It takes nothing more than letting go of the
limitations you have imposed on yourself.<P>
When life is here and now, ready to be lived in all its
richness and value, what else does it take? It takes you,
and your choice to let the best of who you are come fully to