Life direction
Friday, October 21, 2005
Life direction
Activity with no clear direction is little more than a waste
of time and energy. Yet when you give direction to your
efforts, they result in true achievement.<P>
No matter how fast and furious you're going, if you don't
have a consistent direction then you won't end up getting
anywhere meaningful. Yet even the smallest, slowest steps,
when they have a well-defined direction, can take you to the
most ambitious and valuable goal.<P>
Once you're clear about your direction, your thoughts and
actions will begin to take you there. For your life is a
swift arrow in need of a target.<P>
Know what that target is, and that is where the arrow of
your life will fly. People, places, conditions and events
will work together to move you in whatever direction you
have sincerely and intentionally chosen.<P>
Your wisdom and experience, your knowledge and skills, your
passions and resources all are made accessible and effective
when they are well focused. Provide your life with
direction, and your life will provide you with
Thoughtfully and lovingly choose your direction, then commit
yourself to it. And each moment, each action will move you
toward it.<P>