英语听力论坛's Archiver

蓝蓝 发表于 2007-9-21 19:08

Choose the best

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Choose the best

The only fears you have are the fears you choose. Choose to
learn what those fears have to teach you, and then choose to
let them go.<P>

The only distractions that knock you off course are the ones
to which you give your attention. Choose an interesting
diversion to follow every now and then, and let the others
flow on past.<P>

The only things that can discourage you are the things you
choose to see as discouraging. Keep in mind that there is
some positive aspect to every situation, and you can always
decide to focus on it.<P>

The only problems that can hold you back are the ones that
you avoid working your way through. Choose instead to see
those problems as the opportunities they are, and then get
busy fulfilling their positive promises.<P>

The only time that is ever wasted is the time you let
yourself settle for less than you're fully capable of
living. At any time, in any situation, there is always a way
to create real, lasting, positive value.<P>

You are at this very moment alive in a vast and beautiful
universe filled with every possibility. Choose right now to
bring the very best possibilities to life.<P>


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