Think it through
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Think it through
There are a few things that you must respond to immediately.
In most cases, though, an immediate response, without taking
the time to think it though, can be worse than no response
at all.<P>
Give yourself some valuable space between what happens and
what you choose to do about it. And in that space, use your
powerful mind, use your experience, use your perspective,
use your intuition to craft a positive, effective
Lean toward under-reacting rather than overreacting. Not
only will you reduce your levels of frustration and anxiety,
you'll be able to more effectively handle the challenges
that life brings you.<P>
Learn to be ok with the fact that something will not be
immediately resolved. Then calmly, thoughtfully, carefully
and diligently move forward to obtain the most positive,
valuable outcome.<P>
If you're faced with an emergency, then by all means take
action right away. Just keep in mind that emergencies are
relatively rare, and in most situations you'll be far better
off when you take the time to get it right.<P>
A smart response will almost always take you further than a
quick, ill-considered response. Invest the time to think it
through, and that investment will reap great rewards.<P>