The treasure that is each day
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The treasure that is each day
Some days there is brilliant sunshine. Other days there is
gentle rain.<P>
Each day has its own special treasure to give. Each day
brings a new, fresh opportunity for living.<P>
Some days will bring unpleasant news, and other days will
bring joyous celebrations. Every day, in its own way, adds
to the overall richness of life.<P>
Take what this day brings and challenge yourself to see and
to live its special value. For no matter what kind of day
this one may be, the value is most certainly there.<P>
A sturdy and resilient life is built by making the most of
each and every day. There's something in each one of them
that will surely make you stronger, wiser and more fully
With love and care and real gratitude, live the treasure
that is each day. In so doing you create a great and
meaningful life.<P>