英语听力论坛's Archiver

蓝蓝 发表于 2007-9-21 19:05

Make it count

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Make it count

Don't miss out on the value in this moment by wishing that it
had somehow been different. Live it for all that it can

Don't let this beautiful day slip uselessly through your
fingers while consumed with worry about what tomorrow will
bring. Make full use of the time you now have, and that will
put you in the best position to face anything that may

Whatever your age, or level of physical ability, or
financial situation, there is something positive and
valuable you can do right now. Consider all the beautiful
choices that life is currently making available to you, and
then seize the best of them.<P>

You already know how satisfying it feels to make a positive
difference. Realize that you now have the opportunity to
experience that satisfaction again, right where you are.<P>

Life is happening all around you right now. This moment is
precisely what you make it.<P>

Make it full, and rich, and memorable and valuable. Give
your best to this moment and truly make it count.<P>


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