英语听力论坛's Archiver

zouyue0612 发表于 2011-5-3 08:29


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zhangchenxin 发表于 2011-5-3 09:37

hero in someone in heart

amy-xing 发表于 2011-5-3 13:14

I do not know how to say it.no happy,no sad

tingroom 发表于 2011-5-3 13:24

the same with amy-xing
i think he is far from me.

kobe 发表于 2011-5-3 18:13

nothing much:qq82] maybe it is important for The US

lenaqingqing 发表于 2011-5-3 18:19

I think maybe it is a good thing for every person in the world ,for we needn't have to worry about the terrorism in the near future. However ,when I heared that he died,I didn't what I felt ,I just knew it is a great important thing to America. It's none of my business.

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