Get ok
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Get ok
One way to lower your stress level is to get away from it
all. Another way is to get ok with it all.<P>
Stress becomes more stressful the more you fight against it.
Keep in mind, though, that you don't have to fight it.<P>
You can actually choose to welcome and accept whatever is
going on. As soon as you do, you put yourself in a position
of power and control.<P>
By accepting the stressful situation instead of running away
or fighting, you give yourself more positive options. You
become able to make use of whatever is going on and to
direct it toward a worthwhile purpose.<P>
Accepting the presence of a difficult situation does not
mean that you're in favor of it having it continue. It means
that you're ready to clearly see and deal with reality.<P>
Instead of making the stress worse by fighting it, step
calmly and confidently forward to make the best of it.
Choose not to let it get to you, and you'll be able to
accomplish so very much more.<P>