英语听力论坛's Archiver

蓝蓝 发表于 2007-9-21 19:03

Question your assumptions

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Question your assumptions

What assumptions have you already made about today, and why?
Consider that some of those assumptions may no longer be
accurate, and may very well be holding you back.<P>

It's comfortable and convenient to assume you can't do
something. Yet such an assumption quickly turns into a
continuing limitation that you place on yourself.<P>

Things that were true for you many years ago may no longer
have any validity. By holding on to those old assumptions,
you prevent yourself from making the most of the new
opportunities that come your way.<P>

Think of how dramatically the world has changed in the last
ten or twenty years. Have your assumptions about your own
possibilities kept pace?<P>

You may be carrying assumptions that were placed in your
mind by people who no longer play a role in your life. Take
a close look at the choices and decisions you make, at the
goals and aspirations you hold, and examine the assumptions
behind them.<P>

Make it a point to regularly question your assumptions. By
so doing, you're sure to find much value that you've been
hiding from yourself.<P>


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