[size=4][color=red]美食背后最艰辛的工作The Toughest Jobs in Food
[/color][/size][p=30, 2, left]You'd think twice about leaving food on your plate if you had to crawl through a muddy forest, carry a 115-pound weight, or battle a swarm of bees for it.[/p][p=30, 2, left]如果为了一顿食物,你要艰难穿越泥泞的森林、负重115磅(约合52.2公斤)或与一大群蜜蜂做殊死搏斗,可能你对于随便把食物剩到盘子上的做法就会三思而后行了。
Adam Gertler, host of Discovery TLC's newest program, 'Will Work for Food,' had to do all of the above. You may recognize him from the fourth season of 'The Next Food Network Star,' a reality show where candidates compete to get their own food show. Mr. Gertler didn't win─he was runner-up─but has since returned to much harsher work than cooking in a studio kitchen.[/p][p=30, 2, left]TLC节目主持人格特勒(Adam Gertler)Discovery旗下的旅游生活频道TLC推出了一档最新节目《食在苦差事》(Will Work for Food),节目主持人格特勒(Adam Gertler)就不得不完成上述所有“苦差事”。你可能会在《真人秀食品频道的下一个明星》(The Next Food Network Star)第四季中认出来他。在这个节目中,获胜者会赢得属于自己的一档美食节目。格特勒未能最终胜出,他获得了亚军,但在那之后,他便重新开始做那些比在厨房摄影棚里做菜辛苦得多的工作。
'I will never take a piece of fish, slice of cheese, or bowl of ice cream for granted again,' says Mr. Gertler. 'Will Work for Food' begins airing in Asia for the first time in May. We asked him which behind-the-scenes job in the food chain was the toughest.[/p][p=30, 2, left]格特勒说,我再也不会把一条鱼、一片奶酪或一碗冰激凌视为理所当然的东西了。《食在苦差事》今年5月将在亚洲首映。我们问格特勒,美食背后有哪些不为人知却又最为艰辛的工作?
[b]Oyster harvester[/b][/p][p=30, 2, left][b]采牡蛎
[/b]'You have to work on a boat with no railings, cull oysters from clusters of calcium deposits and load them into sacks that end up weighing a hundred pounds each! Then, you have to drag the sacks into a cooling room on the other side of the boat and pile them high on a pallet. The oyster harvesters can throw them onto the pallet like they're bags of feathers, but I could hardly make it through the day!'[/p][p=30, 2, left]格特勒说,你得在一只没有护栏的船上工作,将牡蛎从成串的钙沉积物中采集出来并装进麻袋,每袋最后都能有100磅(约合45公斤)重。然后,你要把这些麻袋拖到船另一侧的冷却室里并在运货板上一一摞起。而采牡蛎的那些人则可轻松地把这些麻袋扔到运货板上,就好像它们是一袋袋的羽毛。但这活儿要让我来干,我可能很难撑过一天。
[b]Cranberry harvester[/b]
'The delicate nature of the crop makes this job difficult. It takes constant monitoring of the frost that comes in during the cold Massachusetts nights. If frost comes in, someone must notify the other farmers so that they can activate the sprinklers to prevent the frost from destroying the crop. You can never truly sleep near harvest time.'[/p][p=30, 2, left]格特勒说,蔓越莓柔软易损,采集起来十分困难。马萨诸塞州的寒夜常伴有霜冻现象,因此需要对霜冻进行持续监测。如果出现霜冻,必须有人通知其他农场主,大家可以开启喷水装置,防止霜冻毁了蔓越莓。临近收获时节,他们绝不可能真正睡上一个安稳觉。
[b]Fish filleter[/b][/p][p=30, 2, left][b]给鱼去骨[/b]
'Filleting a piece of fish cleanly is difficult enough, but doing it hundreds of times a day, everyday, like the dock workers in San Pedro, California, is daunting. Cutting the skin, removing the guts and pin bones while not wasting precious flesh is a skill that takes years to master.'[/p][p=30, 2, left]格特勒说,给鱼完全剔去骨头已经够难了,而像美国加州圣佩德罗市的码头工人那样,一天要给数百条鱼剔骨,且天天如此,这简直让人头大。划破鱼皮、掏出内脏、固定鱼骨而不浪费宝贵的鱼肉,这种技术需要修炼多年才能完全掌握。
[b]Lobster catcher[/b][/p][p=30, 2, left][b]捉龙虾[/b]
'Catching lobster in Maine is a lonely and difficult job. You get up everyday when it's dark and go onto a small boat with one helper and a barrel of salty herring. Then you travel from trap to trap measuring every lobster to make sure its big enough to keep but not too big (in which case it may be a breeder) and reload each trap.'[/p][p=30, 2, left]在美国缅因州捕捞龙虾是一项孤独且艰辛的工作。他们每天天不亮就要起床,带一个助手和一桶咸鲱鱼驾小船出海,然后要在罗网之间不停往返,测量每只龙虾的个头,既要确保它足够大,可以捕捞,又要确保它不能太大(可能是产子龙虾),然后再将每张罗网里装上咸鲱鱼。
[b]Truffle forager[/b][/p][p=30, 2, left][b]搜寻松露[/b]
'While not as prized as French and Italian truffles, Oregon produces white truffles that grow in the forests under Douglas fir trees. There's no way to farm these truffles. You have to hunt for them in the wild. You literally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around. When you find one, it's like striking oil and you just want keep going.'[/p][p=30, 2, left]虽然美国俄勒冈州出产的松露没有法国或意大利松露那么珍贵,但它是一种生长在森林里道格拉斯冷杉树底下的白松露。目前这些松露还无法进行人工培育,只能在野外寻找。人们基本上是在潮湿阴冷的森林里匍匐前行,试图在地面上找到动物可能翻刨过的痕迹。发现一棵松露的感觉就像是采到了石油那么高兴,然后只是希望能继续找下去。