A grand opportunity
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
A grand opportunity
If you make even a small positive difference today, then
you'll end the day ahead of where you started. If you take
even a small step toward the fulfillment of your dreams,
then you will have moved today in a positive direction.<P>
The moments will quickly pass, whether you make use of them
or not. Choose to fully and lovingly use the time you have,
and the passing of time will lift you higher.<P>
You don't have to solve all the world's problems in a single
day. Yet you can spend the day moving in a positive,
productive, creative direction.<P>
If you choose to grow a little big stronger today, then
tomorrow you'll be in a position to expand on that growth.
If you choose to make positive progress every time you have
the chance, you'll eventually arrive at exactly where you
intend to go.<P>
This day, this moment, is a grand opportunity. For you can
use it to make a difference.<P>
What is the best that you can imagine? Today you can truly
move yourself toward it.<P>