Monday, February 7, 2005
Here is a day that is like no other. Here is a moment that
you can fill with life.<P>
Here are treasures ready to be uncovered. Here is the
opportunity to truly live.<P>
If you seek to place a judgment on this day, you will no
doubt find some things wrong with it. If, instead, you
gratefully accept it for all that it is, you'll find this
day overflowing with richness.<P>
If you wait for circumstances to be perfect before moving
forward, you'll do much more waiting than achieving. If,
instead, you make the most of what you have here and now,
life will be full indeed.<P>
You are here, in this place at this time. There's something
unique and wonderful that you can do with it all.<P>
Let go of the thought that everything you need, everything
you desire is out there somewhere beyond your reach. And
you'll find that it is here.<P>