Toward your dream
Monday, March 14, 2005
Toward your dream
It is surely a blessing that dreams do not instantly come
true. For if your dreams were to immediately be fulfilled,
you would never have the pleasure of dreaming them.<P>
The anticipation of an achievement is an important part of
the value of that achievement. Having something to look
forward to gives enormous richness to life.<P>
It is good to achieve your dreams, and yet it is also good
to hold on to them, to nurture, refine and appreciate them
before they have been reached. In so doing, by the time the
dream is achieved, it has developed a real and profound
Working toward a goal is what makes that goal worth having.
The fact that a dream has not yet been fully realized is
what makes that dream so enticingly desirable.<P>
Go ahead and dream big, wonderful, positive and intimately
meaningful dreams. For they're the ones that will get you to
move diligently and persistently forward.<P>
Your dreams will not come true in an instant, yet they can
instantly begin to provide focus, direction, and a driving
force. You can then enjoy each and every moment as you
steadily bring those dreams to life.<P>