在竞争如此激烈的就业市场上,拿到很多个offer听起来像是一件好得令人难以置信的事。这样的情况还会有什么问题呢?选择一个报酬最多的,然后开始干吧,这样就对了吗?错!如果你不花时间去仔细权衡一下所有的offer,你可能会发现自己在不久的将来就不得不再次寻找一份新的工作。Pat began his job search two months ago with minimum responses. He had interviews -- even second and third interviews -- but no offers. Then, all of a sudden, within one week, two companies called and made good offers. Pat was taken by surprise and caught off guard.
How does he go about choosing the right one? He needs to get back to work and start paying off some bills, but he is anxious about the state of the economy. Which of these companies is going to survive? He's done his research and knows the backgrounds of the companies, but there is something missing -- something he needs to do before he makes his decision.
[b]Assess Your Wants and Needs 评估你的需求[/b]
Pat seeks advice from a friend in the recruiting business. Together they lay out a strategy to evaluate the offers. They put together a spreadsheet with the company names across the top. Down the left side of the page they list Pat's values and needs. Under each company's name they assign a score from one to 10 for each of the following:
[b]Security 安全性:
Pat has been laid off twice in the past five years and is looking for a home with a solid company.
[b]Balance 平衡性:[/b]
One of Pat's top personal values is his family. In his last job he worked more than 60 hours each week. He is not eager to get back into that work frenzy again.
[b]Job Satisfaction 工作成就感:[/b]
Pat wants to feel his work means something and that he's contributing and making a difference.
[b]Location 工作场所:[/b]
This goes hand-in-hand with balance. If he has to spend three to four hours a day commuting (经常乘车来往) , it will mean time spent away from his family. Telecommuting a couple of days a week may be a possibility.
[b]Salary and Benefits 薪水和利益:
Important, but not as important as the other values. He wants to be paid what he is worth, but would be willing to negotiate to get some of his other needs met.
After totaling the columns they compare total scores. The totals reveal that although one of the companies offers more money, the risks are higher and the time away from his family will not be worth the extra dollars. Pat can see how his priorities will affect his decision and feels more confident having a tool to work with to make the best decision for him and his family.
There are always variables that cannot be predicted when accepting an offer, but using an analytical approach can make the decision more objective. Making a bad decision can result in your being miserable and feeling unfulfilled, but unable to leave because you have only been in the job for a few months. It's always best to evaluate any offer, but if there is more than one offer to choose from -- it is essential. i think it is not suitable for all kinds of people.
it will be very hard to find a job for a graduate students you are right When we make a wrong decision,we will regret it in the future.So we must be careful to choose the better one.