英语听力论坛's Archiver

蓝蓝 发表于 2007-9-21 18:51




There was a time<br>

Not long ago<br>

Where roses grew<br>

And snowflakes fell<br><br>

Where sunbeams sang<br>

With the morning gloom<br>

Whilst aspired poets<br>

With inspiration crooned <br><br>

Yes, there was a time<br>

For everyone<br><br>

For poets<br>

For painters<br>

For leaders<br>

For followers<br><br>

For soldiers<br>

For peasants <br>

For kings<br>

For queens<br><br>

If I should <br>

Be overly wise<br>

I shall remember<br>

Every time<br><br>

A person scolds<br>


Points fingers<br>

At my indifference<br><br>

That mere centuries ago<br>

A kindred soul<br>

Felt my pain<br>

Someone suffered the same


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