IN THE SPIRIT OF GIVING - Inspirational stories
I read in the Chronicle of Philanthropy that charitable giving in America has begun to decrease in comparison to our income-given our current economic health the downward trend is disconcerting. At issue is that those who can afford to give more aren't and more importantly that the focus be solely on the "monetary" aspect to giving.<br><br>
I live in a small town and understand the enormous commitment that individuals, small and large businesses, and non-profit organizations already exhibit in supporting their communities. I have friends and family that feel guilty or make excuses for not "getting involved". I think it's important that everyone feel involved in some way. <br><br>
It is unnecessary for anyone to feel guilty. We all are faced with different life scenarios so for me to suggest how one should commit to the community would be presumptuous. But I want the parents, who after a busy day at work or at home, to shuttle their kids to various sporting events; the family who takes the time to eat dinner together; the mother who reads to her child before bed; the young boy who teaches his little sister to sing a holiday carol; to take moment and realize that is their involvement. It isn't a question of your money but your time, even in small increments, that will eventually make a significant impact on our communities. <br><br>
Those of us who have the jobs, time and money to give to organized charities should and should do so with as much energy as possible. If you are unable to, look at home and make a project there that will improve/impact yourself or your family. While you might not get the public recognition, you can certainly feel proud that you too are part of and contributing to our -- your community.