My name is leaf
I am a student from middle school.I live in LangFang of Hebei Provice.My favorite thing is my is impotant for me.Although the life is watery. My study is medium of all the class.Often I think I don't have many efforts.OK,that's all.Thank you. :qq87]welcome to join us !:qq49] [b]回复 [url=]2#[/url] [i]陈秀玲[/i] [/b]
Ommmm...very thanks. [b]回复 [url=]3#[/url] [i]千寻望舒[/i] [/b]
:qq87] glad to know you welcome to join us.nice to meet's my pleasure to make friend with you. leay nice to meet you .insipid is beauty. [b]回复 [url=]5#[/url] [i]lghmhw[/i] [/b]
I'm,too. [b]回复 [url=]7#[/url] [i]abc_3345[/i] [/b]
really? omm...maybe it is my personality. [b]回复 [url=]9#[/url] [i]千寻望舒[/i] [/b]
sure my name is leaf,老虎读了三国以后去抓野猪,见猪窝无一猪,摸摸胡须说:空城计!转身见兽夹上有一死猪,大惊:苦肉计!忽然又见到了你,大喜:呦嗬,还有美人计?! I am from Hebei province too. we are fellow-villagers. welcome to come here. Welcome to join us! my name is leaf,先钻被窝了噻。 继续当手机党,- -但是不知为啥。居然不显示是手机上的。