Where you live
Monday, April 4, 2005
Where you live
The place where you live does not have to be limited by where
your physical self is located. The place where you live is
influenced far more, on a moment-by-moment basis, by your
thoughts, your expectations and your attitude.<P>
The place where you live your life is not dependent on other
people or outside circumstances. The place where you live is
determined by you.<P>
How is that place? Where exactly do you live the moments of
your life?<P>
Choose to live in a place where your eyes are always open to
the positive possibilities. Choose to live in a place where
your thoughts and actions are focused on what's truly
important and meaningful.<P>
Choose today to live in a place where the distractions
bounce right off of you. Choose to live in a place where
each incident that comes along is an opportunity to give the
best of who you are.<P>
This is your precious life. Live it in the best place