Difficult truths
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Difficult truths
When the truth hurts, it is tempting to ignore it or to deny
it. Yet when the truth hurts is precisely the time when it's
most important to pay attention to what that truth says.<P>
A real friend is someone who has the courage to speak
truthfully to you, even though that truth may be painful to
hear. For by knowing and acknowledging the reality of a
situation, you can begin to successfully deal with it.<P>
When the truth hurts, it can indeed be painful. Yet if you
will listen carefully, you'll gain the wisdom to avoid even
more pain and to move positively forward.<P>
When you encounter a truth that is painful to hear, that
pain is doing you a favor. It is providing you with an
opportunity to make a change for the better.<P>
Take that opportunity and run with it. Be thankful that a
difficult and valuable truth has succeeded in getting your
In the difficult truths you will find much power. Though the
truth may hurt for a moment, in the long run it can also set
you free.<P>