You choose
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
You choose
Every cause has an effect. Every choice has a consequence.<P>
If the consequences that come your way are not what you
desire, there is a reliable way to change them. Simply make
different choices.<P>
Fortune and misfortune are not random conditions. They are
the result of choices.<P>
The seeds you sow, from moment to moment, from day to day,
are the seeds that will grow. The choices you make will
determine the consequences you experience.<P>
Though that may at times seem like a burdensome
responsibility, it is in fact a glorious opportunity. For it
gives you the ability to point your life in whatever
direction you choose.<P>
The choice is yours, in every moment, every situation, every
dilemma, every decision. Choose a life that is full, with
meaning, with joy and with purpose.<P>