Be you
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Be you
The most successful job you'll ever have is being you. You
were born for it, you're perfectly equipped for it, and
you'll find genuine, profound fulfillment in being the
person you are.<P>
The most impressive you'll ever be is by being you. That
will make a far more positive and valuable impact than
trying to imitate some celebrity or attempting to play
one-up with your neighbor.<P>
The most value you'll ever create is by being you. You have
many unique and worthwhile things to contribute to life, and
the more you truly give of yourself, the better life will
When you come to a fork in the road, and have trouble
deciding which way to go, be you. Take the path that more
closely expresses the distinctive and irreplaceable person
you are.<P>
The happiest you'll ever be is by being you. There's a
reason why happiness feels so good, and that reason is to
encourage you to be the happy and fulfilled person you are
meant to be.<P>
In you there is greatness that you've just barely begun to
realize. Be you, and let your own special greatness fill the
world with light.<P>