Needless needs
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Needless needs
Do you really need to win every argument? Even in the
unlikely event that you win an argument, what have you
really gained?<P>
Do you really need to arrange things so that you can feel
superior to everyone else? Even when you've been hurt by
others, do you ever really receive anything of positive
value by hurting them in return?<P>
Do you really need all the many things that you strive to
consume or possess? Do you really need to spend every moment
concerned about what others will think of you? <P>
How much of your time and energy do you spend satisfying
needs that you don't really need? Imagine the sense of
freedom that would come from simply letting go of the most
useless of those needs.<P>
Practice focusing your effort and attention not on what you
must get, but rather on the best you can be. Real abundance
comes more from quality than from quantity.<P>
Spend less time striving to acquire and possess and satisfy
every perceived need, and you'll have much more time and
energy to truly live. The less you need, the more real
richness your life will have.<P>