英语听力论坛's Archiver

蓝蓝 发表于 2007-9-21 19:01




If I died tomorrow,<br>

How would you remember me?<br><br>

Would you remember all the happy memories we shared?<br>

Would you tell your children about me?<br>

Would you even remember me?<br><br>

If I died tomorrow,<br>

What would you say to me today?<br><br>

Would you tell me you love me?<br>

Would you tell me that I'll always have a place in your heart?<br>

Would you tell me that I left many imprints in your life?<br>

Or would you just tell me good-bye and good-luck with God?<br><br>

If I died tomorrow,<br>

Would you hold me close to you today, <br>

Not letting go and telling me you love me dearly?<br><br>

Would you take me out today and spend as much time with me as possible?<br>

Or would you just call for a quick 5 minute chat with you hanging-up, <br>

Leaving me to a dial tone?<br><br>

We never know what can or will happen tomorrow, <br>

So today we all must cherish and do what we can.  <br>

Whether it's telling our mom and dad we appreciate them for caring and raising us <br>

Or cuddling with our boyfriends/girlfriends and enjoying the comfort of one another. <br> <br>

Whatever it is, do what you can today. <br>

Remember yesterday and don't worry about tomorrow.


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