2011-06-22 听写练习(难):Troublemaker,Elephane Seal
[i=s] 本帖最后由 MarcoHoo 于 2011-7-26 18:00 编辑 [/i][b][font=Times New Roman][size=5] Listen to the mp3 carefully and write down what you heard[/size][/font][/b]
:hug: 中文提示:他们都说爱情是盲目的,但或许没有什么动物比雄海象更加“盲目”了。也许是因为这个物种生来就视力不济,又或许因为其鼻子上面鼓鼓的大肉球挡住了它们的视线。反正不管是什么缘故,雄海象似乎对它们的交配对象一点眼光多没有。就拿汉弗莱(Humphrey)来说吧,这只海象就因为整天向家畜(domestic livestock)求爱(court)而名噪新西兰。汉弗莱所钟情的对象至今还搞不明白这只来自大海、古里古怪且臭哄哄的求爱者(suitor)是怎么回事。:hug:
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We also can say"天生的". OK! :) **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=401575&ptid=188753]5#[/url] [i]feelingwu[/i] [/b]
[size=5]I'm glad you like it.[/size] They say love is blind, but perhaps there is more blinder than the male elephant seal.Maybe it's the poor eyesight inherent in species or perhaps it's simple impossible to see pass that big and flotable flash at the end of its nose.
A little hard. Danke