Love's farewell!-(7-110622)
[i=s] 本帖最后由 sunny萝卜 于 2011-7-1 18:32 编辑 [/i]前言:
ROSE:I love you.Jack.
JACK:No... don’t say your good-byes, Rose. Don’t you give up. Don’t do it.
ROSE:I’m so cold.
JACK: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?
ROSE :I can’t feel my body.
JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.
JACK: It brought me to you. And I’m thankful, Rose.I’m thankful.
JACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.
ROSE:I promise.
JACK:Never let go.
ROSE:I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I’ll never let go.
---selected from《Titanic》《泰坦尼克号》
[color=red][b]The moment:[/b][/color]
[attach]11746[/attach] [color=red][b]中文翻译:[/b][/color]
[color=indigo][b]备注:Never let go:永不放弃。[/b][/color] 当时Jack还在海水中泡着呢!爱情的力量真是太伟大了!!NEVER LET GO,my heart will go on. Some people think there has true love,some don't.
Love has nothing to do with how long the two together.
Just at that right moment,the love is heavier than life,it's the true one. Impressive! [color=red][b]Continuing...[/b][/color]
[color=red][b]movie poster:[/b][/color]
[attach]11743[/attach] [attach]11744[/attach] [attach]11745[/attach] [color=red][b]Scene II:[/b][/color]
(Jack stands by the railing,Rose comes over.)
Rose:Hello,Jack.I changed my mind.
They said you might be out here.
Jack:shh...Give me your hand.(takes Rose's hand)
Now closes her eyes.)step hold on to the rail.keep your eyes.go on.(Rose closes her eyes.)step up.Now hole on to the rail,keep your eyes close.Don't peek.
Rose:I'm not.
Jack:Step up onto the rail. Hold on.Hold on. Keep your eyes close. trust me?
Rose:I trust you.
Jack:All right. Open your eyes.
(Rose opens her eyes. she stretches her arms,and jack stands behind her, arms around her.)
Rose:I'm flying. Jack.
Jack: (singing) Come, Josephine, in my fiying. Up she goes, and up she goes......
(The two kiss for the first time.)
[attach]11747[/attach] [i=s] 本帖最后由 sunny萝卜 于 2011-7-3 13:32 编辑 [/i]
[color=red][b]Continuing... [/b][/color]
[p=30, 2, left]1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]2.Remember,they love money,so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you are in the club.[size=2][color=#993366] [/color][/size]
[font=宋体][font=Verdana] [/font]记着,他们爱钱,所以假装你拥有一座金矿,你就是(他们眼中)上流社会的人了。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]3.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]4.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]5.All life is a game of luck.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]生活本来就全靠运气。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]6.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]7.I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]8.To make each day count.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]要让每一天都有所值。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]9.We’re women. Our choices are never easy.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]10.You jump, I jump.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]你跳,我就跟着跳。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]11.Will you give us a chance to live?[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]能不能给我们留一条生路?[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]12.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.[/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣。[/font][/p]
[p=30, 2, left]13.There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me.[font=宋体] [/font][/p][p=30, 2, left][font=宋体]如果你不违背我[/font],[font=宋体]你要什么我就能给你什么[/font],[font=宋体]你要什么都可以[/font].[font=宋体]把你的心交给我吧[/font].[/p][p=30, 2, left]
[font=宋体] [/font]
[/p][p=30, 2, left]14. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. [/p]
[font=宋体][size=10.5pt] 女人的心是一片秘密的深洋。[/size][/font]
[font=宋体] [/font]15.I'M the king of the world.
我是世界之王。 [i=s] 本帖最后由 sunny萝卜 于 2011-7-3 13:48 编辑 [/i]
The famous song, sing by Celine Dion,《My heart will go on》.Began to appreciate...
[media=x,400,300][/media] i just watched the movie again last week on star movie channel
the strength of love is so great ! [b]回复 [url=]10#[/url] [i]davy10[/i] [/b]
Yes,It's hard to say how powerful the love is.
We just know,love can make world peach,and no more fight again.
We just know,love bring us hope,and we can going on our lifes bravely.
We also know,love let all of us become friends,no matter where we come from. a moving movie.. Delicate refers, implied meaning, especially memorable, and thank you for sharing selfless, a blessing. [b]回复 [url=]12#[/url] [i]纸船。梦[/i] [/b]
yeap,I love the movie very much. [b]回复 [url=]13#[/url] [i]zqytwy[/i] [/b]
so nice's words i love the song :my heart will go on