实用英语听力训练 9-24 有奖练习(初级)
[ra] Happy Birthday.mp3[/ra][table=98%][tr][td=1,1,318][align=center][color=#990000]高级[/color][/align][/td][td=1,1,319][align=center][font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]Happy Birthday[/size][/font][/align][/td][/tr][tr=#ffffcc][td=1,1,318][align=center][color=#990000][font=Bookman Old Style]周1,2007年9月24号;第34期[/font][/color][/align][/td][td=1,1,319][align=center][font=Bookman Old Style]生日快乐[/font][/align][/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1,639][font=Bookman Old Style]I. [/font][font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif][font=Bookman Old Style]听录音前准备[/font][/font][/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][align=left][font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]What activities do people do at a birthday party in your country? Also, what traditional foods do people prepare and eat at such events? [/size][/font]
[/align][/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif][font=Bookman Old Style]II.听录音完成下边的练习[/font][/font][/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td=1,1,389][font=Bookman Old Style][size=2][color=#ff3300][b]HELPFUL TIP: [/b][/color]Are you having a difficult time picking out a birthday present for a friend? Then, consider getting him or her a gift certificate to their favorite store. [/size][/font][/td][td=1,1,255][align=center][img=230,126]http://www.youmars.com/kj/m/shiyong_enl/shiyong_enl_pic/34cake.jpg[/img] [/align][/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][table=187][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][/table][font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]1. What is the boy's name?
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]A. Matthew
B. Michael
C. Mitchell[/size][/font]
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]
2. How old is the boy turning in the conversation?
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]A. seven
B. eight
C. nine[/size][/font]
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]
3. What does he want to do first?
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]A. play outdoor games
B. open presents
C. eat cake and ice cream[/size][/font]
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]
4. Which statement is true about the game at the party?
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]A. You have to catch a large ball without dropping it.
B. You need to chase children around and touch them.
C. You need to hide somewhere so no one can find you.[/size][/font]
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]
5. Who is coming to the party?
[font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]A. aunts, grandparents, and cousins
B. grandparents, cousins, and uncles
C. friends, cousins, and grandparents
[/td][/tr][tr][td][font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif][font=Bookman Old Style]III.听录音后练习[/font][/font][/td][/tr][tr][td][font=Bookman Old Style][size=2]Share a story about one of your favorite birthdays. How did you celebrate the day, and what made it special? [/size][/font]
[/td][/tr][/table] **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 ****
I don't know if it is right
b a c c d B A C B Amy answer
B A C B A回复 #5 爱听人3 的帖子
my answer is :B A C C A 练习答案
1. Michael
2. seven
3. eat cake and ice cream
4. You need to chase children around and touch them.
5. aunts, grandparents, and cousins
Father: Hi Michael. Happy Birthday! How old are you today?
Son: Seven.
Father: Alright. Well, let's sing Happy Birthday:
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Michael,
Happy Birthday to you.
Father: Alright. So what should we do first?
Son: How about cake and ice cream?
Father: Okay. Well, uh let . . . let's light the candles. Okay, and make a wish! Don't . . . don't tell me.
Son: Don't tell you?
Father: Yeah, don't tell me. Okay, and go ahead and blow out the candles. Okay, let's cut the cake, and then we can have cake and ice cream. And what do you want to do after the cake and ice cream?
Son: Play freeze tag.
Father: Now, how do you play tag?
Son: Um . . . one person is it, and the person who is it tries to tag everyone [Alright. And then . . . ] before I tag someone and then, another person tags me.
Father: Oh, wow. And whose coming over later today for your birthday?
Son: Well, everyone. Uh, my cousins, all my aunts and grandmas, grandpas.
Father: Alright. Well, Happy Birthday, Michael.
freeze (verb): become cold to the point of changing water to ice
- It was so cold out last night that I thought I was going to freeze to death.
tag (verb): touch a player, usually as part of a game
- I tried to get away during the game at the park, but she tagged me on the back, so I was it. **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** bac a