BBC UKChina IBM supercomputer wins TV quiz: IBM 超级电脑击败人脑
[audio][/audio][font=Verdana, 宋体, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][p=30, 2, left]Background: IBM超级电脑“沃森”(Watson) 击败了美国《危险边缘》节目历史上最成功的两位选手。被击败的两位选手其中一位在此之前是连赢74场比赛的纪录保持者。[/p][/font][color=#333333][font=Verdana, 宋体, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=13px]In a split-second, Watson is able to [b]digest [/b]the question and try and match it against huge amounts of information it has [b]at its disposal[/b]. It very quickly assesses [b]how good a match [/b]it thinks it has and[b]buzzes [/b]either very quickly, or not so quickly, reflecting how confident it is that it has the right answer.[/size][/font][/color][font=Verdana, 宋体, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][p=30, 2, left]Jeopardy is one of America's oldest and most popular quiz shows. But this time, inside the brightly-lit studio, a contest[b]billed as[/b] 'man versus machine' - the programme's producers [b]pitted[/b]two of their most successful contestants ever [b]against [/b]a computer. Known as Watson, the computer is a giant piece of hardware, equivalent in size to several fridges. And over three programmes, Watson beat his [b]human contenders[/b] with ease.[/p]
[p=30, 2, left]Watson is also able to notice [b]nuances in language[/b], between say 'bat' the animal and 'bat' used in sports. On a prime-time US TV show with millions of viewers it was great publicity for IBM. But the company says Watson the computer is [b]an IT genius [/b]and [b]a breakthrough [/b]in computing.[/p][/font] bill v 宣布, 贴广告
split-second adj 瞬间发生的,刹那间发生的
at its disposal 任意支配
nuances 多样化的细微差别
prime time n (广播电视)黄金时间
No matter how smart and intelligent the computers are, they the creation of human beings,which only illustrates that the human beings are more powerful.