[size=4][color=magenta]今天就先来翻译“山中无老虎,猴子称霸王”(3日后公布答案哦,大加积极参与: ) )[/color][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-11-5 04:45 PM 编辑 [/i]] nobody?is it too hard or too easy?let's have a try! **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** 呵呵,大家快来参与哦,答案明日公布,之后还有很多有趣的翻译呢.
[color=darkorange] 汉语的“山中无老虎,猴子成霸王”,英语用“In the land of the blind , the one-eyed man is king”(恭喜chm8624了:victory: 下次尽量自己翻译啦:lol )[/color]汉语表示一个人大口大口地喝水,常说“像牛饮”,英美人却说“drink like a fish。”同一客观的事物,在不同的文化里可以包含不同的价值,引起不同的联想,具有不同的内涵。比如,自然界是五颜六色的,人类的感觉是相同的,但颜色用于人类社会,在人们心目中就产生了特定的意义,引起特殊的联想,激发特别的感情,这样的颜色已不再是客观的物质色,而变成了抽象的象征色,进入了文化的染体。黑色变成了压抑的象征,白色表示无辜与纯洁,绿色带来一片生机。然而,颜色也常因特定环境与文化不同,其象征意义也不同。在英语世界黑色表示悲哀与庄重,而在中国以白色表示哀悼,有时也用黑色;绿色对英美人有时意味着嫉妒,紫色一般是权力的象征,而在中国黄色是不可侵犯的权贵颜色。
kill to birds with one stone问题
【谚】山中无老虎,猴子称大王。 :1. Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king.
回复 7# 的帖子
也可以翻译成"When the cat's away, the mice will play."这一类谚语,所表达的含义完全相同,但所隐喻于的事物略有文化上的差异罢了 幽默,通俗易懂,BUMP UP答案来啦,下一题
汉语成语“一箭双雕”或“一举两得”,用英语说是“一石打死二鸟”:“To kill two birds with one stone”![color=red]恭喜poetryman 啦[/color]:victory:那[color=darkorange]“He has taken the bread out of my mouth”[/color]又是什么意思呢?“他从我嘴里拿走了面包”? 呵呵,大家继续参与哦 大家凭自己的实力来翻译一下,不要借助于网络用现成的嘛,毕竟是来学习的哦,这样再看答案就记得牢了,而且大家一起做更有乐趣嘛:victory: 在不同语言的互译中,要注意转换表达方法以符合译文习惯。“He has taken the bread out of my mouth”,应该译成“他砸了我的饭碗”、“他抢走了我的工作”或“他断了我谋生的路”:P [color=darkorange]ttaix 继续努力哦[/color]
[b][color=darkorange]Having done so many jobs,let's enjoy a meal[/color] [color=darkorange]:[/color][/b]
中国人在向外国人介绍自己爱人(妻子) 时,常用“lover”一词,外国人听了十分惊奇,因为“lover”在英语里表示“情妇”或“情夫”即“情人”的意思。而汉语中的“爱人”,相当于英语的“husband”或“wife”。
中国人把猫头鹰当作不吉祥的象征,但英语中却说“as wise as an owl”,把猫头鹰当作智慧的象征。
中国人把“龙(dragon) ”视为吉祥的神物,有不可思议的伟大力量,因而成为至尊无上的帝王象征,甚至把它看作是光明的未来, “望子成龙”(long to see one′s son become a dragon) 。可是英美人却把“dragon”视为喷烟吐火的凶残怪物(a fierce fire breathing monster ) 。
美国人打招呼时,经常说“Hello”, “Hi”,英国人见面时喜欢谈天气,如“Lovely weather , isn’t it ?”之类的话,而中国人碰面时却经常说“你吃饭没有?”(Have you had your meal ?) 外国人听了很不理解:“你们为什么老问我吃饭没有? 我有钱!”中国人喜欢问:“Where are you going ?Where have you been ?”外国人听了很不高兴,心里说“It′s none of your business ! (你管得着吗?) ”外国人告别时通常“Goodbye ,bye-bye”或“Bye”或“See you later”,或微微一笑伴以再见的手式就可以了。而中国人却通常说:“慢走”、“好走”、“走好”、“请留步”。“你辛苦了”,这句话在中国使用范围很广,而英语没有完全对应的说法,若译为“You’ve had a hard time. ”或“You’ve gone through a lot of hardships. ”都是不贴切的,有时还会引起误解。对于一个长途旅行后刚到达中国的外国人,可以说“You must have had a tiring journey. ”或“You must be tired from a long trip ?”表示“路上辛苦了”, “一路好吗?”之类的客套话。而对刚刚完成一项艰难任务的人,可以说“Well done ,that was a hard job. ”或“You′ve got a hard job。”
再如,在汉民族文化里, “狗”总是受到鄙视、诅咒的对象,与“狗”有关的词语几乎都有贬义,诸如“狗胆包天”、“狗急跳墙”、“狗血喷头”、“狗眼看人低”、“狗仗人势”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等等,但在西方文化里,狗却是“人之良友”,地位要高得多。
那么英语里“[color=darkorange]You are a lucky dog[/color]”,([color=darkorange]dog-tired[/color]) ,“[color=darkorange]Every dog has his day[/color]”“[color=darkorange]Give a dog a bad name and hang him[/color]”又都是什么意思呢??:)
[[i] 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-10-17 04:54 PM 编辑 [/i]]
setup wizard 啥意思呢:victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:回复 14# 的帖子
you forgot the "dog-tired":lol回复 15# 的帖子
you should put your problem in"求助答疑":) now that you asked,I give you my answer:安装向导answer and question
当某人碰到好运时,人们会对他说[color=darkorange]:“You are a lucky dog”(你真幸运)[/color] ,当某人感到累的时候,他会说自己[color=darkorange]“像狗一样累坏了”(dog-tired)[/color] ,英语谚语[color=darkorange]“Every dog has his day”[/color]是说[color=darkorange]“人人都会有得意之时”,[/color]以狗喻人,却无贬义。又如[color=darkorange]“Give a dog a bad name and hang him”[/color],意为[color=darkorange]“愈加之罪,何患无词”,[/color]其同情之心明显在狗的一边。由此可见,在外国人眼里, “狗”是多么的可爱。所以说[color=plum]ttaix[/color]都答对了:victory: 继续努力!猴子也算是人类的近亲了。它们看到人们做什么,都能学得惟妙惟肖,可见我们和猴子之间的渊源还真是深。人类的语言中自然少不了猴子,今天我们就来翻译两句关于猴子的口语表达。
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2]1. Get one's monkey up [/size][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]2. I will be a monkey's uncle [/color] [/size][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2]3. Has a monkey on one's back [/size][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2]4. Monkey business [/size][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2]5. Not give a monkey's fart [/size][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#ff0000][size=2]6. Play the monkey[/size] [/color][/size]
又都是什么意思呢?:lol come on!
[[i] 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-10-18 09:44 AM 编辑 [/i]]
answer and questions
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]1. Get one's monkey up[/color][/b] [/size]"To get one's monkey up" 又作 "to put one's monkey up",意思是发怒,生气。例如:
She gets her monkey up if you tell her she is wrong.(如果你说她错了,她会火冒三丈。)
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]2. I will be a monkey's uncle.[/color][/b] [/size]
"I will be a monkey's uncle." 在俚语中表示惊讶。在它的前面常可见感叹词"Well"。例如:
He really left his wife? Well, I will be a monkey's uncle.(他真的丢下他的妻子?哎呀,我怎么不知道呢。)
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]3. Has a monkey on one's back[/color][/b] [/size]
"To has a monkey on one's back" 在美国俚语中指"染上毒瘾"(to have drug addiction)。例如:
Even the little boy has a monkey on his back.(甚至这个小男孩也染上了毒瘾。)
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]4. Monkey business[/color][/b] [/size]
"Monkey business" 也可以称为"funny business ",指"不正大光明 / 不正当的行为"(tricks or unlawful or unfair activities)。例如:
They suspected monkey business at the polls.(他们怀疑投票处有舞弊行为。)
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]5. Not give a monkey's fart[/color][/b] [/size]
"Not give a monkey's fart" 又作 "not give/care a damn",意思是"对某人某事不在乎"。例如:
I don't give a monkey's fart about what they think.(至于他们怎么考虑,我一点也不在乎。)
[size=2][b][color=#ff0000]6. Play the monkey[/color][/b] [/size]
"To play the monkey" 又作"to play the fool"或"to play the goat",意思是"出洋相,做傻事"。例如:Be serious! Don't play the monkey.(正经点!别出洋相。)
⑴ She felt that she must not yield. She must go on leading her strained, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie on it .
⑵ Britain′s economic policy is now being pulled by the magnet of the next election.
[color=black]⑶ Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.
[/color][color=darkorange]what's the meaning?go go go ![/color] ⑴ She felt that she must not yield. She must go on leading her strained, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie on it .
⑵ Britain′s economic policy is now being pulled by the magnet of the next election.
这里把原文里的隐喻(metaphor) 变成了译文中的明喻(simile) 。
⑶ Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.
以上实例说明,在翻译的过程中,文化的差异并不是绝对的、不可逾越的,关键在对文化差异透彻的理解,这样才能实现准确地表达。:)[color=magenta] ttaix真是很厉害噢[/color]
[color=black]then let's translate some [font=Trebuchet MS][size=1]vulgarisms.and if you could make a sentence with that vulgarism,so much the better:victory: [/size][/font][/color]
[color=red]When in Rome, do as the Romans do[/color] When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗
[b]Explanation[/b]: conform to the manners and customs of those amongst whom you live.
[b]Example[/b]: I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at home, but now you are on the Continent , you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls.[color=darkorange] [/color][color=magenta]ttaix,呵呵,本来是没有笑得,只是一看你的"严肃",我就不小心笑了,呵呵[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]1.The world is but a little place.[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]2.What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts. :) [/color]
回复 26# 的帖子
ok ,but maybe you forgot the sentence:lol i love this game.:lol
answer and key
then you can join us:handshakeWorld is but a little place.
Explanation: it is used when a person meets someone he knows or is in someway connected with him in a place where he would never have expected to do so.
Example: Who would have thought I would bump into an old schoolmate on a trek up Mount Tai. The world is but a little place after all.
What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts.
Explanation: a rough way of starting a law of average; if you have bad luck on one day you have good on another; if one venture results in loss try a fresh one---it may succeed.
Example: he may always possess merits which make up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts.
[color=magenta]ttaix,so clever:victory: haven't consulted the dictionary?:lol [/color]
[font=Trebuchet MS][size=1]ok,next[color=red]:A contented mind is a perpetual feast?[/color]Don't forgot the sentence:lol [/size][/font] 不会是“虎口拔牙”吧?
answer and question
[color=darkorange][color=black]A contented mind is a perpetual feast[/color] [/color][color=darkorange]知足者常乐[/color]
[color=darkorange]Example:[/color] you complain so much, but you have a good family, parents, health, and money.
A contented mind is a perpetual feast.
[color=magenta]so,ttaix,congratulations!and your sentence is pretty good:P [/color]
[color=magenta]ling-fly,persevere in your efforts:) [/color]
[color=black]next,[/color][color=red]Entertain an angel unawares[/color][color=black],yeah,do you know and can you guess?come on:victory: [/color]
[color=#ff00ff][/color] 相对我的水平来说太难了,所以我就看看而已。:( [color=darkorange]Entertain an angel unawares.[/color] [color=darkorange]有眼不识泰山[/color]
[b]Explanation[/b]: to receive a great personage as a guest without knowing his merits.
[b]Example:[/b] In the course of evening someone informed her that she was entertaining an angel unawares, in the shape of a composer of the greatest promise.([color=sandybrown]maybe who can tell me how to translate this sentence[/color]?)
[color=magenta]ttaix,why have a try this time?or just took a joke?[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]and ling-fly,don't give up,go on learning:victory: we're all with you:P [/color]
[color=black]today's question:[/color][color=red]After meat, mustard; after death, doctor?[/color] if you can help me[color=black] translate this sentence,then I'll :D [/color]
Example: In the course of evening someone informed her that she was entertaining an angel unawares, in the shape of a composer of the greatest promise. [color=magenta]ttaix给你加金币了哦.[/color][color=red]到底怎么翻译呢?who can help me?[/color]
[/color]ok,answer:[color=darkorange]After meat, mustard; after death, doctor . 雨后送伞 [/color]
[b]Explanation[/b]: this describes a situation where assistance or comfort is given when it is too late.
[b]Example[/b]: just as I had cancelled my application to go abroad, I had a promise of money for my fare. It was a case of after death, the doctor.
then,today's challenge:[color=red]After praising the wine they sell us vinegar[/color]. easier:P
回复 40# 的帖子
:L 竟然说我小气唉,不少了,知足啦.而且ttaix一点都不支持本论坛的工作嘛,如果不是,那接下来由你主持啦,ok:P :lol [color=magenta]呵呵,[/color][color=#ff00ff]then you should do it by yourself[/color],:P [color=magenta]and from your answer i knew your english is good[/color]
[color=darkorange][/color][color=red]A bad workman quarrels with his tools?[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]maybe we should recite these sentence,only in this way can we make full use of our time and energy :victory: [/color]
[[i] 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-10-25 04:45 PM 编辑 [/i]] come on,boys and girls:victory: ...:L let me see
回复 47# 的帖子
how can you say that I think nothing of it?and what did I complain?I always think how can I make it better,and why people always be here but keep silence??? :$my god...you just follow me,I thought that "you" is me ok,now-[color=darkorange]人生没有朋友就像人生没有太阳一样[/color][color=black],can you translate it?:lol [/color]
[color=darkorange]A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳 [/color][color=#ff8c00][/color]
[color=#ff8c00][color=magenta]ttaix,I think the 2nd one is[/color][/color][color=magenta] pretty good:victory: as for the 1st one,i'm afraid... ;P [/color]
next,[color=red]科学对于人类的思想就像水对于我们的身体一样[/color],I demand the word "[color=red]what[/color]" in the sentence ,ok,go on!:victory:
回复 54# 的帖子
[color=darkorange]Science to the human mind is what water is to the body [/color][color=darkorange]科学对于人类的思想就像水对于我们的身体一样[/color]
[color=#ff8c00][color=#000000]what = just as,意为“恰像,犹如,好比”用作连词,引导比较状语从句。(见新编高二英语上册p.21) [/color]
[color=black]⑴ 惯用句式是:[color=red]A is to B what C is to D[/color]. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:
Air is to us What water is to fish. 空气对于我们犹如水对于鱼。(介词to 表示两者的关系) [/color]
[color=black]⑵ 也有“[color=red]A is for B what C is for D[/color].”句式。例如:
Poultry is for the cook what canvas is for the paint. 厨师离不了家禽正如画家离不开画布一样。(介词for表示“供…使用”)[/color]
[color=black]⑶ what 引导的从句也可以放在句首,其句式是: [color=red]What C is to D, that A is to B[/color][color=red].(= A is to B what C is to D.)
[/color]在这一结构中,喻体在前,主体在后,相当于“just as...,so...”结构,意思也是“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:
What blood vessel is to a man’s body, that railway is to transportation.(=Just as blood vessel is to a man’s body ,so Railway is to transportation.)
[color=#000000]呵呵,这下大家明白what的特殊用法了吧:victory: [/color]
[color=magenta]ok,感谢大家的参与,我们也将对这期间积极参与的会员予以金币奖励:victory: thanks[/color][[i] 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-11-5 05:01 PM 编辑 [/i]] [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=42723&ptid=19098]10#[/url] [i]DZ[/i] [/b]